Wednesday 9 March 2011

Barbarous taste project 9 contd.

Barbarous taste project 9 contd.

I agree with the concept with regard to people's unease when posing for a photograph, generally most do except possibly the professionals who expect this as part of their profession and on occasions will play up to the camera, whereas others are uneasy when put in that situation and so cannot relax in which the end results become force.

Eltnocentricity- based on the attitude that ones own group is superior

Are we conditioned as to what is considered as beauty by the media etc? Is Keint saying that some believe that every image has to perform a use in peoples lives i.e. as selling a product i.e. in advertising, newspapers etc.  Are we expected to believe that because so and so says that this painting, sculpture, prose, make of goods etc. is the best and that you should look no further thus being dictated to?   If so with regard to some modern works I am inclined to reject as I find it difficult to understand what the artist is saying and why some times the work has to be so explicit It seems as though in their wish to become known they have to shock the onlooker.  But one cannot expect all works of art to perform to our own tastes, as everyone has their own likes or dislikes.  (I recently watched a program on David Nash (sculpture in wood) found it very interesting in what one can achieve with wood  and enjoyed the end results).

Quote from Pierre Bourdieu " Photograph's which take too many liberties with the human body provoke unease and or indignation: `If you are going to take it you might as well take the whole thing mightn't you? The face is missing its irritating.' ` It isn't bad, but I would like to see the expression in the face.  I'd have taken the face as well' (hands of a peasant woman 'these hands mean work' Russell Lee Untitled, from The Family of Man' exhibition 1955) though in this case I do find this picture interesting as in my opinion it shows an older person whose hands show that they have worked hard.  And one could imagine the facial expression  as that of a hard working person with a story to tell.

Quote from Sheila Hancock (watercolour program watched recently)  "These days we seem to look at everything though a lens  i.e. camera film etc.  Whereas watercolours oils etc show emotion and pain of the world though  the effort and time taken to observe".

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