Tuesday 10 August 2010

Fenichel chapter

Project 2 Fenichel chapter

Distinction between looking and seeing: Looking using ones eyes
Seeing: combination of that act, and the action taken on the information gain though the eyes
i.e. you see an accident and the information gained from that informs your mind to want to help in someway. Or a new born baby brings emotion of joy, tears, wonderment etc.

The act of looking could be seen as being virtually identical or substitute for some activity i.e. watching or participating could be classed as a form of fetishism by fixing an irresistible gaze on someone or some object the eye or the glance becomes a sadistic weapon.

The eye plays two parts: -
1. The person gazing holds the stare of the victim or object in his power.

2. The person who looks is fascinated by what they see.

The looking glass is a form of magic – it confronts the person with what they look like rather that what they think they look like in your minds eye. In your minds eye you devour the devour the object or person you are looking at to be forced to imitate or grows like it.

When you think of something you imagine what it looks, feels (tastes maybe) like when you see the said item it turns out to be something different.

One looks at an object or person to share in its experience or has an impulse to injure or destroy the object seen?


Can a painting hypnotise you though your eyes that you look further with your minds eye to see more?
Could the eye be the messenger from the brain i.e. what the eye sees’ the brain computers and learns from it?

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