Thursday, 3 January 2013

meanings etc

EXACERBATION problem – or bad situation it makes it worse

SOMNAMBULIST sleepwalker someone who walks in their sleep

SOMATIC relating to the body as distinguished from the mind

MYOPIA visual defect in which distant objects are blurred
EROTOGENIC causes sexual excitement

INNERVATION the distribution or supply of nerves i.e. the supply of nervous energy

OPHTHALMIC of or relating to the eye

PSYCHOANALYTIC method of treating phobias by analysing emotional conflicts

FETISHING object or activity regarded with excessive devotion

FREUD best known for his theories of the unconscious mind

CHRISTOPHER STRACHEY British computer scientist

PREGENITAL designates the libidinal phases prior to the definitive genital organization of psychosexuality i.e. fixation on something i.e. reading in the toilet the fixation is that part of the body’s substance is being lost so fresh matter must be absorbed through the eyes!!!!

Freud Chapter 20 (page 324-6 Visual Culture) Fetish
ABHERENT a supporter of a cause or an individual

THRONE AND ALTAR relations between the church and the state

SCOTOMIZED the minds ability to erase a traumatic or overwhelming experience

BASILISK legendary reptile (king of serpents) said to have the power of death with a single glance


PHALLUS Undifferentiated tissue in embryo (that becomes penis or clitoris

VICISSITUDE up and downs – successive changes

AMBIVALENT unable to decide what cause to follow

LIBIDINAL sexual drive manifestation of sexual drive

SCOPTOPHILIC obtaining pleasure by looking at nude bodies. erotic photos etc.

ENLIGHENMENT criticizes from the outside

MODERNIUM criticizes from the inside

LIBIDINOUS showing strong desires (sexual?)

ANTITHESIS direct contract opposition of hope is the antithesis of despair

ARCHAIC period of time proceeding a “classical time”

PSYCHOANALYTICAL study of the human psychological functioning and behaviour three applications

1) Investigating the mind

2) systematized body of knowledge about human behaviour

3) method of treatment

MOLILTY biological term refers to the ability to move independently

SOMNAMBULIST sleepwalking

Train of thought the essential points is that looking is conceived as a means of identification

MYOPIA lack of discernment or long-range perspective in thinking or looking

TECHNOLOGICAL DETERMINISM a reductionism theory that presumes that society’s technology drives the development of social structure and culture

ALTHUSSENAN Louis Althusser was a Marxist philosopher 1918-1990


ARXICM named after Karl Marx also known as scientific (as opposed to utopian) socialism
UTOPIAN SOCIALISM term used to define the first currents of modern socialist thought
MONOLITHIC unchanging structure that does not permit individual variation

ORTHODOX MARXISM used to describe the version of Marxism after the death of Karl Marx seeks to simplify codify and systematise Marxist thought- ironing out perceived ambiguities and contradictions

CODIFY to organize or collect together dialectical materialism the materialistic philosophy of Marx and Engel’s.

OPIATE something that dulls the senses and induces relaxation? Marx view of religion

PROLETARIAL poorest class of working people

WILLIAM MORRIS English textile designer artist writer and socialist associated with Pre-Rap.Brother-hood 1834-1896

H.G. WELLS English author socialist and sympathetic of pacifist views

CAPITALISM individual ownership of wealth and dominance of it

COMMODIFICATION art targeting specific buyers – art that is not purely an expression of the artist’s ideals but tailored is subject matter and style to meet a specific market

MINIMALISM movement of art and design – worked stripped down to its most fundamental features

CONCEPTUALISM conceptual art is art that the ideas involved to the work take precedence over the actual making of the subject, so the work of some artists can be constructed by anyone by following a set of instructions

BANAL commonplace

CRITERION a standard law or rule by which a correct judgement can be made

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